Each week, we will drop useful information that you can use to improve your Life, Health, and Business! There is A LOT of great information out here that can propel your business to extraordinary heights! Let's LEARN ALL OF THAT.

Additionally, there is far more Bullshit that is getting in our way that we need to UNLEARN!



A Sale is Just The Beginning

April 24, 20232 min read

I have spent the past 20+ years learning the nuances of selling. Tons of strategies and techniques can help you create a winning process. Closing the deal is just the beginning. The most important aspect of selling is your mindset before attempting to sell anything. You will overlook many opportunities if you only focus on getting one sale at a time.

So many of us are just happy to sell something that we don't account for the customer's LIFETIME VALUE. I want you to look past the initial sale with all your potential customers and estimate their real value to your business long-term. Imagine you sell a product that costs $1,000. The goal is always to sell as many as possible, but your monthly goal is ten sales. If you hit the goal, that earns you $10k/ month.

The big mistake most of us make is needing ten new customers to get there! But what about repeat customers and referrals? You put in all of this work to attract and nurture a new client, and then once they buy, they go on the back burner. PLEASE STOP doing this and make sure you continue to build on that relationship. Because if you deliver an excellent experience, they'll come back! Not only will they come back, but they'll also bring a friend, post on social, and leave reviews. If they are raving fans, they'll praise your name to anyone, stranger or not, who has the problem that you helped them solve!

Now the question is, how fast can you hit that monthly goal if your current customers are this active? Now, you don't need ten new clients because five are returning. Additionally, the other five are replacing themselves with a referral! What if this behavior continues over the following ten months? How many brand-new clients do you have to attract? More importantly, how long will these customers stay over your business life?

The better your relationships, the stronger your network, and the stronger your network, the easier it is to build your brand because there are SOOO many people who love you and aren't shy about telling the world! At the end of the month, that $10k goal is so easy to hit that it's time to raise the goal!

Don't be the person chasing a sale, be the one who understands the lifetime value of successful relationships!

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Jason Integrity

Sales Strategist

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Business is all about relationships! We take GREAT PRIDE in making sure we put out good ENERGY because we ONLY accept good energy!


Reggie Richardson

Preferred Funding Group

"I have been to several of Jason's events on Alignable. I have never been disappointed with the context of the subjects he speaks about. As football coaches, we have a saying," Coach 'em up!" Jason is an awesome coach who wants the best for any business owner he assists!"


Steve Liebroder

SEO727 & FoodBrewsBooze


"Jason is amazing! When asked, “what do you do?” I’ve struggled to come up with an answer. I hate “elevator pitches” or responses that talk about my services and say nothing about who you’re meeting. My businesses are more than the services we provide; frankly, nobody cares about that. He helped me find my voice and authenticity that reflect my values, my personality, and the unique talent and proposition I bring to the table to help my clients. If you have good energy - I highly recommend you connect with Jason. "

Dr. Valencia Moses
Vibrant Coaching

"Jason's authenticity captured my attention and his posts on Alignable are a frequent source of inspiration! His expertise is evident. The values guiding who he is and what he does drives the excellence that continues to fuel Jason's success. Our conversations have motivated me to move from merely thinking about how my business could be better to mapping out what my next steps will be to move from good to great. If you choose to invest some of your time to engage with the value Jason brings, then it will be time well invested that brings a great, measurable return on said investment! While you could take my word for it, find out for yourself!!!"

Each week, we will drop useful information that you can use to improve your Life, Health, and Business! There is A LOT of great information out here that can propel your business to extraordinary heights! Let's LEARN ALL OF THAT.

Additionally, there is far more Bullshit that is getting in our way that we need to UNLEARN!



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