Each week, we will drop useful information that you can use to improve your Life, Health, and Business! There is A LOT of great information out here that can propel your business to extraordinary heights! Let's LEARN ALL OF THAT.

Additionally, there is far more Bullshit that is getting in our way that we need to UNLEARN!



The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Business: Making Emotions Work for You 

May 22, 20232 min read

What's the secret sauce that sets apart successful businesses? 🧐 You might be thinking of strategic planning, top-notch technology, or innovative products. Sure, these are crucial, but there's an underrated yet equally important factor: Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ).

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify, understand, manage, and use emotions positively. Think of it as a compass guiding our interactions and decisions, particularly in business. In today's blog post, we explore EQ's crucial role in the business world.

Let's start with a story. Meet Sam. Sam is an entrepreneur running a thriving digital marketing startup. Sam might seem like any other successful businessperson. But there's something that sets Sam apart: a high EQ. 🚀

Sam consistently demonstrates self-awareness. Instead of getting swamped by his emotions during stressful times, he recognizes his feelings, understanding how they impact his actions and decisions. 🔍💭 During one product launch, a key component failed at the last minute. Instead of panicking, Sam acknowledged his stress, and instead of letting it cripple him, he channeled it into focusing on a solution.

Then comes self-management. Sam doesn't let his emotions control him; he controls them. When a deal with a key client fell through, he managed his emotions instead of succumbing to frustration, viewing it as an opportunity to improve rather than a personal defeat. He navigated his emotions, leading his team through the situation calmly and effectively. 💼👍

As for social awareness, Sam excels at understanding his employees' and clients' feelings. 🎭 When an employee seemed distant and less productive, instead of taking disciplinary actions, Sam approached her and initiated an open conversation. He realized she was going through a personal crisis. Acknowledging and respecting her situation, he could offer the support she needed, boosting her morale and loyalty to the company.

Lastly, Sam shines in relationship management. He knows how to handle emotions, both his and others, to maintain good relationships and resolve conflicts. When two team members disagreed and threatened the project's progress, Sam facilitated a conversation, helping each understand the other's perspective. The result? A stronger team and a successful project.

Sam's story is common. Many successful entrepreneurs and leaders display high EQ, and research consistently shows a positive correlation between Emotional Intelligence and business success. 📈

So, what's the bottom line? EQ isn't just a "nice-to-have" in the business world; it's a game changer. By harnessing the power of Emotional Intelligence, we can understand and manage emotions, lead more effectively, make better decisions, and ultimately drive our businesses toward tremendous success.

Embrace the power of EQ, and let's make our emotions work for us, not against us. After all, we're not just business people; we're human beings, and emotions are part of our package. Let's make the most of them!

Take a look at this kid processing his emotions!

I'm so proud of both him and his parents. There are ADULTS who aren't this aware!

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Jason Integrity

Sales Strategist

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Steve Liebroder

SEO727 & FoodBrewsBooze


"Jason is amazing! When asked, “what do you do?” I’ve struggled to come up with an answer. I hate “elevator pitches” or responses that talk about my services and say nothing about who you’re meeting. My businesses are more than the services we provide; frankly, nobody cares about that. He helped me find my voice and authenticity that reflect my values, my personality, and the unique talent and proposition I bring to the table to help my clients. If you have good energy - I highly recommend you connect with Jason. "

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Vibrant Coaching

"Jason's authenticity captured my attention and his posts on Alignable are a frequent source of inspiration! His expertise is evident. The values guiding who he is and what he does drives the excellence that continues to fuel Jason's success. Our conversations have motivated me to move from merely thinking about how my business could be better to mapping out what my next steps will be to move from good to great. If you choose to invest some of your time to engage with the value Jason brings, then it will be time well invested that brings a great, measurable return on said investment! While you could take my word for it, find out for yourself!!!"

Each week, we will drop useful information that you can use to improve your Life, Health, and Business! There is A LOT of great information out here that can propel your business to extraordinary heights! Let's LEARN ALL OF THAT.

Additionally, there is far more Bullshit that is getting in our way that we need to UNLEARN!



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